Here's the plaintext. So I was supposed to be playing my Thursday game of Pathfinder today. Basically it's Dungeons and Dragons; and if you thought I couldn't get any geekier, I made a decision last year to awkwardly join this little fantasy role playing group... and it was the best decision I have ever had in my life.
So in Pathfinder you and a group of friends make a character sheet that you fancy, and you go exploring landscapes as someone called a game master describes it in vivid detail... and depending on how you made your character, you carry out actions that affect the game.
I was a wizard. Then I drowned.
Ultimately mourning over my first character's death, I made a new character: an elf archer.
That one drowned as well.
But it got reincarnated.
As a chick. With wings.
I have 2 sets of this, so far. |
After a year of playing, I can say that they have been the most awesome group of people I have met. We killed goblins and undead and giants together, and after countless deaths, I have gotten the hang of Pathfinder. I even bought new dice today, which is awesome. I bought a cool d20 die with blue and red swirled on it, and four d8s. I don't know why I bought 4 d8s... probably it was a frustration buy because I couldn't find any good miniatures that look like my current character.
And with my new abilities and spells because I leveled up (I role-played that I went scouring the town for magical scrolls, which I meticulousl studied and is now part of my repertoire), I can't wait to rain death on every goblin that stands in my way. Oh and if you're wondering, my character is a female Aasimar arcane archer, who both excels in shooting arrows and casting spells. Pretty wicked.